الاثنين، 20 يونيو 2016

speak more than seven thousand languages

It believed that humans, in various parts of the world, speak more than seven thousand languages, specifically 7097 living language, while a large number of which is threatened with extinction,According to experts is useful in this area.The distribution of these languages ​​on the continents of the world by 2296 languages ​​in Asia, and the language in the 2139 and 1313 African languages ​​in the Pacific region and the language in the Americas in 1062, while there are 287 languages ​​in Europe.According to the website "", a specialist in the languages ​​of the world, the state where the most number of languages ​​are "Papua New Guinea", as the number of languages ​​in which up to 839 languages, even though the population does not exceed six millions.The second most countries in terms of the number of languages ​​is Indonesia with a population of 240 million people, speak a total of 707 languages, followed by Nigeria with a population of 104 million people speak the language of B526.In India it is estimated the population at about 1.078 billion people speak more than 450 languages, while the estimated population of the United States by about 282 million people speak more than 420 languages, while China's population is estimated at more than 1.3 billion people, speaking 300 languages.In Mexico's population, totaling 115 million people, nearly 290 languages ​​spoken, as there are in Cameroon, whose population is estimated at 10 million people, 281 languages.In Australia's population of 20 million people speak up to 245 languages, compared with 229 languages ​​spoken by the inhabitants of Brazil's population is less than 200 million people a

Weird Facts may Tsdmk ..

Weird Facts may Tsdmk ..
There is a lot of information that may make you surprised and may reach up to some trauma. Know us on a strange facts you had not heard of before.

- Mosquitoes do not bite only, but is urinating blood after you suck.
- Ancient Romans were using the brains of mice crushed a paste for teeth.
- When children get sick Eskimos, the mothers absorb mucus from the nose.
- Experience that we have in dealing with cases of low temperature came through the Nazi experiments on humans.
- In some states are getting rid of '' chicks '' male, a small, because the rooster meat is not delicious like chicken.
- The number of vacant homes in the United States exceeds the number of homeless people who do not have houses they inhabit.
- Did you know that butterflies are drinking the blood.
- Did you know that the office, and mobile phones, restaurants, and ATMs contain more than your toilet bacteria.
-According to studies and statistics dealing with the average person, on average, nearly one kilogram of insects, most of the time be mixed with food.
- Sweaty feet can be up to 20 liters per year.
- Kissing contributes to the spread of millions of bacteria, Valtaqbil for 10 seconds transmits about 80 million species of bacteria.
-khalal World War II, an American plane crashed on a Japanese island called '' Chi Chi Jima. ' Was on the plane nine men died The only survivor was the United States President George W. Bush's father.
- 15 Zھ of the air we breathe inside the metro stations of human skin, it has at the University of Colorado study has shown that the air contains a fungus grows on the human skin, especially in crowded places.
- Mount Everest containing more than 216 bodies from the mountain climbers.
- The ancient Egyptians slept on a stone instead of pillows.
- Weighs kangaroo born less than one gram.
- Sperm more sperm of a mouse to an elephant is considered.
- The human swallowing one liter of saliva a day.
- Cockroaches can live without a head for weeks.
- The sound you hear when a crackling joints is actually the sound of the bubbles of carbon dioxide.
- Peanut is one of the ingredients of dynamite.
- Most of the dust particles that are in the house is your dead skin.
-eetm Give newborn infants to the wrong mother 12 times a day in all hospitals around the world.
- Lipstick plant of fish scales!

why the missing link is completely erroneous concept of evolution

In this article we will show why the missing link is completely erroneous concept of evolution
First, the main reason for this fallacy stems from a misunderstanding of the process of evolution itself. A lot of people think of evolution as a long series of increases in the complexity gradually or that a vertical scale to be bacteria and worms exist bottom, topped by animals and human sits on top. In fact, evolution is not a chain or ladder to look for the lost rings in the middle. For example, a man is not descended from chimpanzees so it does not have missing links between us. We share a joint with him only advances.
Evolution is a dense tree branches and tangled branches does not have a top or bottom and there is no more sophisticated than the other object. Evolution is only the growth of these branches and an increase in the ramifications ..
Second: the perception that paleontologists who can find the fossil to be the object (direct predecessor) to another object is something that is very unlikely. Imagine that you are going in a big historic cemetery, what is the probability that stumble the grave of a person who is the direct predecessor ???? Not to mention that is a rare process and have special conditions such as location and manner of death of the object, which makes finding the fossils very difficult. For this reason, we find researchers are finding mostly on fossils of transitional objects are close or not the direct ancestors and already there are dozens of transitional fossils have been found.
Third: moderation objects shaped not be predicted mostly by person. Because the organs in the body do not change at the same time and at the same speed. For example, man began walking upright on his feet before he grows the size of his brain. So the expectation of finding a fossil average human being has the size and can walk to the mid-range on his feet is a sinner.
But one might ask: What about the gaps in the fossil record? For example, there are some of the layers that contain a certain type of objects followed by a layer above where those objects disappear to show another type different about him.
Here comes the principle (balance) (punctuated equilibrium) It occurs when separated a small group of objects for the largest group and move to another place and isolated and with the passage of time increases the genetic differences between the two groups two categories different geographically. So you do not expect to find discrete and advanced group in the same geographical location or in the top layers of them because they simply moved to another place. Bullet balance installed in the corals which is not the general rule in evolution