الاثنين، 20 يونيو 2016

Weird Facts may Tsdmk ..

Weird Facts may Tsdmk ..
There is a lot of information that may make you surprised and may reach up to some trauma. Know us on a strange facts you had not heard of before.

- Mosquitoes do not bite only, but is urinating blood after you suck.
- Ancient Romans were using the brains of mice crushed a paste for teeth.
- When children get sick Eskimos, the mothers absorb mucus from the nose.
- Experience that we have in dealing with cases of low temperature came through the Nazi experiments on humans.
- In some states are getting rid of '' chicks '' male, a small, because the rooster meat is not delicious like chicken.
- The number of vacant homes in the United States exceeds the number of homeless people who do not have houses they inhabit.
- Did you know that butterflies are drinking the blood.
- Did you know that the office, and mobile phones, restaurants, and ATMs contain more than your toilet bacteria.
-According to studies and statistics dealing with the average person, on average, nearly one kilogram of insects, most of the time be mixed with food.
- Sweaty feet can be up to 20 liters per year.
- Kissing contributes to the spread of millions of bacteria, Valtaqbil for 10 seconds transmits about 80 million species of bacteria.
-khalal World War II, an American plane crashed on a Japanese island called '' Chi Chi Jima. ' Was on the plane nine men died The only survivor was the United States President George W. Bush's father.
- 15 Zھ of the air we breathe inside the metro stations of human skin, it has at the University of Colorado study has shown that the air contains a fungus grows on the human skin, especially in crowded places.
- Mount Everest containing more than 216 bodies from the mountain climbers.
- The ancient Egyptians slept on a stone instead of pillows.
- Weighs kangaroo born less than one gram.
- Sperm more sperm of a mouse to an elephant is considered.
- The human swallowing one liter of saliva a day.
- Cockroaches can live without a head for weeks.
- The sound you hear when a crackling joints is actually the sound of the bubbles of carbon dioxide.
- Peanut is one of the ingredients of dynamite.
- Most of the dust particles that are in the house is your dead skin.
-eetm Give newborn infants to the wrong mother 12 times a day in all hospitals around the world.
- Lipstick plant of fish scales!

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